Department Strategy
1/8/2013 1:25 PM

Our Social Work Department seek to prepare ethical, competent, reflective practitioners to work with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities within a global and changing environment according to the local and the international standards.

1/8/2013 1:26 PM

The mission of the social work college is: excellence in education, research,and training to promote, well-being and social justice

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1- To develop and maintain social work curriculum that respond to the needs of both students and society and reflects the dynamic nature of the social work professions.

2- To provide opportunities for all social work students to have a deep knowledge of the values and skills base of the social work profession and its commitment to achieve the social justice.

3- To build and strengthen the mutual and vital relationship between the department of social work and the local and national community, especially the organizations concerned with the provision of social services.

4- To develop an academic program (doctorate in social work).
5- Conduct Scientific Research on phenomena and Social Problems in society.

School of Arts
Department of Social Work


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